Nordson 7700142 / TAH 070-832 In-Line Mixer

Description: In-Line All Stainless Steel Mixer, Non Removable Elements

Nordson In-Line mixer 7700142 is designed for high-pressure mixing of two part adhesives or sealants and other fluids. Nordson (TAH) in-line static mixers are used for mixing epoxy, silicone, acrylic, methacrylate, polyurethane, polysulfide and other adhesives as well as sealants and coatings. There are many other industrial uses such as fuel blending, biodiesel manufacturing and water treatment processes.

Inline Mixer 7700142 Specifications

Property Value Property Value
Product 7700142 Element Material 316 Stainless Steel
Old Product Number TAH 070-832 Element Removable No
# of Elements: 32 Housing Material 304 Stainless Steel
ID inch 0.42 Max Housing Pressure* 2800
ID mm 10.6 Max Housing Pressure** 193
Length inch 24.75 Housing Ends (mnpt) Plain
Length cm 62.9    

*psi at 300°F
**bar at 150°C

Motionless static mixer 7700142 elements are permanently fixed in the housing and cannot be removed. Cleaning is accomplished by solvent flush or using high temperature furnaces. The maximum temperature that can be used is 1250° F (676° C). The elements are made permanent by nicobrazing  

10 Nordson series 70 inline mixers 












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308 East School Street
Woonsocket, RI 02895

Phone: 401-526-9856
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